„THE BEAUTY PROJECT - Do you think I'm smart?”
by Flavia Lupu
Nov. 23 - Dec. 15

Flavia Lupu returns to Art Safari, for the third time with a project with:
10 beauty testimonials
10 testimonials about intelligence
10 women talking about it
And a talk
Exhibition, projection, video installation, from November 23, in a project by Flavia Lupu, which discusses the role and place of beauty in contemporary society and interrogates stereotypical thinking and prejudices.
We meet on November 23 at 7:30 p.m., at Art Safari, for talk, opening, and more with Flavia Lupu, one of the 10 outstanding women – Roxana Dumitrache / Oana Dragnea / Ștefana Samfira / Chris Simion / Elida Toma / Bianca Păduraru / Ligia Verkin Keșișian / Alexandra Zaiț / Laura Gruia / Andreea Chirițescu and with Daniel Nica, doctor of philosophy, Oxford scholar, author of volumes Ethics without principles? Generalism and particularism in contemporary moral philosophy, (2013); The red pill. Essay on morality and happiness, (2015); I? Authenticity and its moral limits, a passionate foray into the philosophy of authenticity (2023).
You will find the installation on the 1st floor, as a preamble to the exhibition “Women Painters and Sculptors” and will be seen “as a contemporary preface” to it – in the context of the heated debates about terminology that it generated.
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