The Pangratti Studios
March 8 – July 28

Exams, by Mihai Rusu
Scene of a cultural elite, Ermil Pangratti Street gathered for 50 years the most valuable artistic talents of Romania. Both an investment of the system and a gallery of artistic merit, the studios on Pangratti Street have been the creative home of important contemporary artists, imprinted in the public consciousness, but also appreciated by the system and by the Union of Visual Artists of Romania. These spaces had many functions: creative oasis, school for beginners, bohemian centre, saleroom for collectors, appreciation of the system for the official artists and reward for artistic recognition.
The great artists who worked here include Corneliu Baba, Ion Nicodim, Ovidiu Maitec, Paul Vasilescu, Gheorghe Iliescu-Călinești, Vasile Gorduz, Alin Gheorghiu, Sultana Maitec, Georgeta Năpăruș, etc.
Centred on the discrete collection of Ruxandra Garofeanu, art historian and critic, one of the most important figures of cultural life in Romania in the last 50 years, the exhibition highlights the work of important personalities of Romanian postmodern art, who worked in the studios of the Union of Visual Artists, located on Ermil Pangratti Street. The exhibition also partially retraces an important historical and visual route, in an assumed, adapted and kaleidoscopically structured style, specific for Ruxandra Garofeanu – great friend and supporter of the artists.
Curator: Simona Vilău
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